Home Hardware

YouTube Advertising

Type: 2D, Animation, Motion Graphics
Industry: Trades
Package: Market Leader

YouTube pre-roll

The brief: deliver a series of humorous YouTube pre-roll ads for Home Hardware, appealing to hardware enthusiasts as well as the average Australian bloke.

Triple M provided scripts, but gave the Lumeo team license to do as they pleased with the character. “We wanted someone who was a little bit bogan but still charming and relatable,” said Lumeo’s lead animator.

The end result is an example of the higher-end 2D animation production we produce at Lumeo. In addition to the fast-pace and exciting transitions, each scene included lots of rich details. That enabled us to add extra layers of humour to the already comically-written scripts!

Let's Get Started

Lumeo thumb up icon


We know commissioning video can feel like risky business so we've got a deal for you. Here it is ...If you don’t like what we produce, we’ll do it again… for free! We can’t be fairer than that.